Thursday, March 15, 2012

Maintaining Your Weight

Hi Guys and Gals!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic day week - with the type of weather we're having here in central Ohio, I'm not sure how you couldn't! I have a number of different friends and family who are, or have already, embarked on spring break trips to the sunny ocean or out west to Vegas, but I can honestly say, and with a genuine smile, that I'm A-OK with staying in Columbus. Who needs to spend hours traveling to reach warm weather when I can walk right out my door!

On a brief side note - If I were a super mean person, it was snowing outside and if it wasn't the start of March Madness, I would be fairly angry about the lack of comments on what the best breakfast is to start your morning. But, since none of the above are applicable, I'll go ahead and end this brief side note with a slightly disappointed sigh, (siiiiiigh......) 

Alright, back to business.

So I had all intentions of putting this post up yesterday, but in between posting up flyers for my FREE informative detox class (Thursday, March 29th for all those out there who need to put it in their calendar or high tech iphone), making handouts on how to read nutrition labels at the grocery store and crying over my inability to run 10 feet without crying in pain, I never got around to doing so. So if you guys can forgive me for not posting yesterday, I'll forgive you guys for not commenting.... deal?

I read an awesome article yesterday on how to maintain your weight. It's called, "Everyday Ways to Maintain Your Feel Great Weight." You can find it on or by clicking right here. Not only does it have some awesome advice but I especially love it because it's written by one of my favorite bloggers. I'll let you guys do most of the reading, but for those who are still trying to predict first round upsets on your bracket, here is the article in brief:

Everyday Ways to Maintain Your Feel Great Weight
Weight Loss and Motivation
  1. Eat often
  2. Say no to extras (sometimes)
  3. Get cooking with your oven
  4. Set Reminders
  5. Create a motivation board 
  6. Drink up (water, people, water)
  7. Think 50/50
  8. Eat REAL food
  9. Plan ahead
  10. Dance your butt off (or just move around a lot in my case)
  11. Snack on hard-to-eat foods
  12. Finish eating last
  13. Make a grocery list
Get it?
Got it?

Stay healthy,

Anyone out there maintaining their weight? If so, what tricks or tips do you have?


  1. I just saw your blog for the first time! Definitely something I struggle with is consistent eating! With the level of exercise and activity that I have on a weekly basis, I find myself either hungry all the time and under-fueled OR putting in solid workouts followed by that day or the day after massive calorie / carb consumption. I'm trying to stay more consistent and find out what works for me on a daily basis to keep me fueled at all times! Great blog!

  2. I've found that keeping my sugar levels consistant throughout the day keeps me more energized and focused. For example, on donut Fridays instead of scarfing down or getting judged by everyone for NOT partaking in the fun. I eat it little by little as the day progresses.
